What We Offer

For the companies we become involved with, General Growth LLC, offers six vital resources and services – each of which is designed to rapidly accelerate market penetration and overall corporate expansion. These include the following:

Current Owners Liquidity
Growth Capital
Custom Management Rewards
Marketing Programs, and Systems and Controls
Growth Strategies – Strategic Acquisitions and Innovations
Expansion of a Company’s Liquidity (ie. IPO or Other Methods)


This is probably the most important business decision you, and your executive team, will ever make. Which is why we wanted to emphasize not only the speed and flexibility with which we operate, but emphasize some very important philosophical guidelines we follow as well.
These include the following:

TIMING: After a satisfactory agreement has been negotiated between parties, timing becomes critical. We can close quickly without delays, usually within ten days after the certified audits are complete.

PRIVACY: No public announcements need to be made without the consent of all parties. The only people who need to know are the those directly involved in the transaction. Usually there are no government filings unless the transaction requires approval of the federal government.

STABILITY: We will promote motivation and ensure a solid future for the employees, customers, and suppliers. It is extremely important, from our standpoint, that this is handled properly.

FLEXIBILITY: We know that because each business is different, so is each transaction. We have the flexibility to structure each transaction, thereby fulfilling all important selling shareholders needs.

PRIDE: We preserve and nurture employee pride in the company, which is vital for the business to continue to thrive.